Greenhouse Wedding in Rennesøy, Norway - Bryllup i Drivhus
Greenhouse Wedding in Rennesøy, Norway - Bryllup i Drivhus, Rennesøy, Norge
Sveinung and Malin’s wedding was special from the start. They were lucky to have a gorgeous day and a unique setting: a huge greenhouse turned event venue! Windows everywhere meant we felt the light and sunshine all day long, and everyone’s experience was all the more happy for it.
This led to some colorful and deeply contrasting pictures, and the locations we found were exciting to explore. Old harbor beaches, sunlight-filtering forests, and waters-edge cliffs on the fjords of southern Norway... it doesn’t get much better than this.
In the evening, when the sun finally decided to set, golden light on the fields next to the venue provided us an opportunity for a few more shots... and they were worth it.

Wedding, BryllupCasey ArnesonAlchemillawedding, greenhouse, norway, bryllupsfotograf, bryllupsfotograf rogaland, rennesøy